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The Noble Suffering
Posted on Dec 31, 2023
In this world of fleeting forms we dwell,
Life's impermanence, a truth unfolds.
Suffering weaves through all we know too well.
We grasp at shadows as illusions swell,
While pleasure fades and beauty grows old.
In this world of fleeting forms we dwell.
Dukkha's truth, a tolling temple bell,
In birth and death, its message bold:
Suffering weaves through all we know too well.
Attachment binds, desires compel,
Discontent seeds in what we hold.
In this world of fleeting forms we dwell.
Yet liberation's path this truth foretells,
A step towards freedom, bright as gold.
Suffering weaves through all we know too well.
With open eyes, we break the spell,
Embracing what the Noble Truth has told.
In this world of fleeting forms we dwell,
Suffering weaves through all we know too well.