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Heritage Foundation's
Project 2025
Project 2025 - Home Page
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5

Chapter 1 - White House Office

  • Establish a simple organizational chart for the White House Office (WHO) with clear lines of authority and responsibility.
  • Identify specific points of contact for each element of the government outside of the White House.
  • Reexamine the balance between media demands and space constraints on the White House premises.
  • Reconsider the nature of the relationship between the White House and the White House Correspondents Association.
  • Reexamine the policy of limiting communication between the White House and the Department of Justice to only the Office of White House Counsel and the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General.
  • Review and potentially reverse positions of the previous Administration in any significant ongoing litigation.
  • Choose a White House Counsel who is loyal to the President and the Constitution, rather than necessarily having elite credentials.
  • Restructure the Office of White House Counsel to function more as an "activist yet ethical plaintiffs' firm."
  • Limit the number of detailees staffing the National Security Council.
  • Establish an economic opportunity working group, chaired by the Domestic Policy Council Director.
  • Coordinate health care reform efforts to bring down costs and reduce pressure on the federal budget.
  • Enhance border security in coordination with the National Security Council.
  • Use the Vice President's role to lead various Administration efforts, including potentially addressing immigration and border issues.
  • Use the Domestic Policy Council to coordinate rollback of regulations, particularly in energy production and environmental protection.
  • Have the Domestic Policy Council chair a standing meeting with principals from other Executive Office of the President offices to enhance coordination.
  • Use the National Economic Council to coordinate and implement the President's economic policy objectives across various departments and agencies.
  • Use the Office of Communications to navigate mainstream media and effectively convey the President's agenda.
  • Strengthen the role of the Office of Presidential Personnel in identifying, vetting, and recommending political appointees throughout the executive branch.
  • Expand the use of the Office of Public Liaison to build coalitions and support for the President's agenda across various interest groups.
  • Enhance the role of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs in connecting the White House to state, county, local, and tribal governments.