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Heritage Foundation's
Project 2025
Project 2025 - Home Page
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5

What is Project 2025?

The Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" document presents a vision for governance that, if implemented, would pose significant challenges to progressive goals and the pursuit of a more equitable society. From its stance on social justice issues to its approach to climate change, police reform, LGBTQ+ rights, and the federal workforce, the proposed policies would likely reverse many hard-won advancements and hinder future progress.

The document's framing of "woke revolutionaries" as a threat to American ideals dismisses legitimate concerns about systemic inequalities and social injustices. Its skepticism towards climate action could delay crucial environmental protections and exacerbate the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalized communities. The resistance to police reform ignores the urgent need to address systemic racism in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. The anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric threatens to roll back essential protections and rights for a vulnerable population.

The emphasis on empowering political appointees over career civil servants, coupled with the negative portrayal of federal employees, could lead to a less stable, less expert, and more politicized government. This approach risks undermining the very institutions and workforce needed to implement and maintain policies that promote equity and fairness.

The policy presented in this document advocates for a significant rightward shift in governance that could erode decades of progressive achievements. It presents a vision of America that is less inclusive, less responsive to scientific consensus on critical issues like climate change, and more resistant to addressing systemic inequalities. For those committed to building a more just, equitable, and sustainable society, understanding and countering these proposed policies is crucial. The document serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing ideological battles shaping American politics and the potential consequences of conservative governance for progressive goals. It underscores the need for continued vigilance, advocacy, and engagement in the political process to protect and advance the causes of social justice, environmental protection, and equitable governance.

Book Layout

Mandate for Leadership 9, also known as Project 2025, is a nearly 900 page book of policy essays released by the Heritage Foundation, a non-profit conservative think tank. The book is divided into five main sections and deal with difference parts of the executive branch.

You can find a list of policies I've noticed in each chapter in the links at the top of each page.