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Musically Untalented Fool
Where We Begin

"Where We Begin" is the tenth track on the 2024 album Musically Untalented Fool by Doug's Music Shack. It is in the symphonic rock genre with a runtime of 6:30. If you want more information on the album, the about "Musically Untalented Fool" page can be found here. This will include links to where you can listen to the album - free, paid, and streaming options are available.

About Where We Begin

"Where We Begin" is a philosophical exploration of the cycles inherent in life. I wrote this song to express the idea that every ending we face opens the door to a new beginning. The paradoxes in the lyrics—finding life in departure, creation through destruction—highlight the interconnectedness of our experiences.

This track is meant to offer hope and perspective, especially during times of change or loss. By embracing the concept that "the end's where we begin," I encourage listeners to view challenges as opportunities for growth. The symphonic elements of the music enhance the grandeur of this theme, aiming to inspire and uplift.


In the twilight of endings, a new dawn breaks
Where shadows fall, light awakens
Echoes of goodbye birth a fresh hello
In loss, we find what we're meant to know

Tearing down to build anew
Fading stars ignite the blue

We're born in our last breath
Finding life as we depart
In destruction, we create
Mending as we fall apart
The end's where we begin
Our finish line's the start

Scars tell stories of healing's grace
In empty spaces, we find our place
Winter's cold brings spring's embrace
Time moves on at a backward pace

Breaking free by letting go
In stillness, how we truly grow

We're born in our last breath
Finding life as we depart
In destruction, we create
Mending as we fall apart
The end's where we begin
Our finish line's the start

In the chaos, there's design
Through the darkness, we will shine
Every ending's a disguise
For beginnings in sunrise

We're born in our last breath
Finding life as we depart
In destruction, we create
Mending as we fall apart
The end's where we begin
Our finish line's the start

As we close our eyes to sleep
A new world waits for us to keep
In farewell, we find our way
To greet the promise of new day

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Musically Untalented Fool - Track List

1Digital Voice🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 6:11
🎼 dream pop
2The Tool🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 5:13
🎼 synthpop
3Musically Untalented Fool🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 4:04
🎼 progressive rock
4Generative Symphonies🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 5:48
🎼 funk, soul
5ADHD (My Mind's Long Gone)🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 4:33
🎼 folk rock
6Not Broken Just Different🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 6:54
🎼 alternative rock
7Prisoner of Doubt🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 6:52
🎼 progressive rock
8Miles Apart🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 4:38
🎼 soul
9All I Need/I Miss You🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 8:59
🎼 chillwave
10Where We Begin
🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 6:30
🎼 symphonic rock
11Getting Older🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 6:11
🎼 vapor, synth
12The Sounds We Explore🗓️ Sep 15, 2024
⏰ 2:43
🎼 jazz rock
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