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A Thought

Posted on Nov 6, 2024

If you're feeling strong emotions following the election results, please remember to be kind to yourself. Many of us are concerned about the policies these elected officials may implement and their potential impact. It's disheartening to witness the divisions and negativity that have surfaced among us.

Take comfort in knowing that the challenges we face are the result of complex societal factors - a web of cause and effect that no single person can change alone. The circumstances that led us here have been unfolding over a long time. You may feel powerless, both politically and in your ability to effect positive change. But there's something we can all do, and it's quite simple: love. Show compassion, even toward those with whom you disagree. Be the one who offers peace in the midst of conflict.

Hatred, ignorance, and greed are detrimental to our world. While it's tempting to become disillusioned, recognizing right from wrong is a gift that can help us make things better. Be kind and compassionate to others, even those who hold different beliefs. They may be influenced by misinformation or fear, but it's not entirely their fault. There are forces that exploit people's emotions for personal gain, and sometimes people learn negativity from others.

All you need to do today is promote kindness. Remind your coworkers, friends, family, students, and even strangers what it means to be compassionate. Show empathy to someone today - they might really need it. Walk confidently knowing you're contributing to a better world because you choose love over hate.

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