Web 1.0 was the best Web
List of Doug's Shack entries
Posted: Sep 16, 2024 02:08 UTC (3 days 14 hours ago)

It's a bit of a manifesto for me. I know I'm not a musician. I know I'm not a singer. I know I'm not a producer. But I am a storyteller, and I have stories to tell. And, I want to tell them. It is not conventional. I only want to create these bits of my soul and allow me to relive them over and over. I don't have to live my life musically to the sound of other's emotions any more. As I'm making these songs, they've become the only thing I listen to. I've suddenly discovered how to use music as a therapeutic device to help process emotions. Things I never found ways to look deeper at.

Posted: Sep 9, 2024 21:24 UTC (9 days 19 hours ago)

James Earl Jones, the iconic actor with the unmistakable baritone voice, passed away on September 9th, 2024, leaving behind a legacy that spans generations.

Posted: Aug 1, 2024 16:12 UTC (1 month 18 days ago)

One of the best things about Web 1.0 was its variety. You could find sites about anything – from someone's collection of rare stamps to fan pages for obscure TV shows. Each click could lead you to something completely new and unexpected. It was like exploring a vast, quirky library where every book was written by a different person.

Posted: Jul 20, 2024 01:02 UTC (1 month 30 days ago)

It’s crucial for me to be transparent about my process. I am not a musician or a singer, and I have no intention of presenting myself as such. My role is that of a curator and storyteller, using generative music as my medium.